Angie Schmitt
Recent Posts
Congress Poised to Let Autonomous Car Companies Run Wild in Cities
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Both houses of Congress are crafting regulations that will set the stage for autonomous vehicles, and they're not off to good start.
Taco Bell Ditching Drive-Thrus in Cities
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The chain is planning to open more than 300 restaurants without drive-thrus by 2022.
Public Schools Shouldn’t Undermine Walkability
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An Atlanta suburb wants to build a new school in a walkable setting, but with a huge surface parking lot.
Advocates Score a Win for Climate Realism at U.S. DOT
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The NRDC fended off a White House attack on an Obama-era rule aimed at documenting and forecasting the impact of state transportation policies on carbon emissions.
Nine States Sue Trump Administration for Blocking Climate Progress at U.S. DOT
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Presidents don't get to pick and choose which federal rules they comply with.
Is Infrastructure Spending Good for the Economy? It’s Complicated.
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Infrastructure spending produces a net economic benefit for society only if the project benefits exceed the costs.
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Media Coverage That Blames Pedestrians for Getting Struck
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Police and local reporters rushed to blame a 14-year-old girl who was struck by a speeding driver in a marked crosswalk.
Seattle’s Playful Traffic Circles Tame Neighborhood Streets
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Seattle started installing traffic circles in the early 1970s, and now there are more than 1,200 throughout the city.
Wide Residential Streets Are Dangerous. Why Are They So Common?
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Ever wonder why so many residential streets are so wide even though they only see a trickle of car traffic?
Honolulu’s Pedestrian-Blaming Law Sets Off a Round of Copycats
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Instead of reforming our transportation and land use policies to make walking safer, American cities are doubling down on a dysfunctional system by blaming pedestrians for their own deaths.
Why Are Carmakers Allowed to Sell Products That Go Faster Than 100 MPH?
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It's never safe to drive 115 mph on public roadways. Why do we allow companies to sell millions of cars that can reach those speeds or higher?
To Restore Walkability, Cities Like Akron Need to Look Beyond Sidewalks
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A person walking down a major thoroughfare in downtown Akron encounters enormous swaths of parking and barely any retail or housing.